► Customer-Centric Marketing to Drive Business & Deliver Profit™

   • FIX:  Underperforming Business Areas.
   BUILD:  Best-in-Class Products & Branding.
   GROW:  Sales & Key Account Profitability.

Don't just find "a person" to fill a slot for a year or two . . . instead find "the right fit" — the person who will have an immediate effect on your bottom line!  When you are not looking for a short term fix, but instead require a long term solution, hire Jeff Tyler, Marketing Executive.


• Hire Jeff when bold creative thinking is your company's strategy to stay ahead of competition. Or, certainly when your market share starts eroding and storm clouds of competition gather overhead.  Don't continue doing what you're doing and wait for inevitable consequences, simply decide not to take it any more. Call!  Jeff works best in companies dissatisfied with their current trajectory.


• Organic growth is tantamount to stagnation.
Companies need an executive to cure lack of growing pains, with passion to create a vision, a plan. It's the status quo that is to be feared; settling for it leads to obsolescence. Just say NO to the Status Quo!  Positive change is the inevitable outcome & there is no going back!


• To drive profit growth for the business. Jeff is dedicated to creating the momentum needed to drive change and meet challenging goals.  Vigilant in his pursuit of excellence and works to overcome obstacles through bold creative thinking, dedication and a team-focused winning attitude.


Today's path for business growth is not perfectly linear.  In this new normal, years of experience and industry knowledge are less relevant:
  • Years of Experience?
    Industry Knowledge?  These merely point backward to "what was" . . . focuses on an uncertain past that was 
    unpredictable at best.
Instead, an executive's ability to learn, to adapt, and to be resilient are more crucial traits for business success today . . . these traits are best demonstrated in a non-linear career. These adaptive skills tell you a lot about powerful intelligence-based competencies; this gives you an ideal way to differentiate stars from average performers in new roles. 

But STOP . . . don't think for a moment that excellence is expensive (those of you who ever got the bill for mediocrity in the past will understand). Tech start-up corporations are not forever, so Jeff proactively seeks a longer-term, local marketing opportunity instead.

......... Résumé available to all employers!
.............Call TODAY! .. (66l)7433-2937